Heartland Youth Arts & Athletics


Heartland Youth Arts and Athletics is dedicated to providing education, support, and outreach to the communities of Kansas; understanding that rural communities are underserved in regards to mental, physical, and nutritional health.

Recognizing contributions to athletics, as well as arts education & performance is focused in coastal cities, Heartland Youth Arts and Athletics endeavors to bring greater exposure to the heartland’s smaller, closer knit communities.

What We Do


Through Donations and Fund Raising Events, Heartland Youth Arts & Athletics provides financial support for Kansas youths to participate in Arts & Athletics. Your Donations, Volunteering, and Support make it possible for kids in Kansas communities to participate and compete when they otherwise may not be able. 

In 2020, at the World Youth Gymnastics competitions in Tokyo, the only Gold Medal brought home by the United States was from Kansas. The high cost of representing the United States and Competing internationally by these talented young people in the future can be covered with your support.

Young people can more readily compete when given the same opportunities and experiences that in the past have been exclusive to large cities. Heartland endeavors to share artistic performances like the Nutcracker, Cirque, and Musical Performances previously only available with larger populations. 

Educating young people in proper nutrition and how to lead an active lifestyle will give them the tools to lead long and healthy lives. Heartland provides community outreach programs for schools, with the support of the nutritional experts at Kansas Universities, to educate Kansas Kids through fun, accessible performances and interactive activities.

Summer programs provide structure and an opportunity to meet our neighbors. Heartland supports these programs as part of our community outreach, with an emphasis on the underprivileged and underserved.

We at Heartland know that these shared experiences bring communities closer together, strengthening our bonds with our neighbors, and uniting us as Americans.


How You Can Get Involved

Contact Us to Donate or get Involved

Volunteer Your Time

Are you looking to get involved, meet your neighbors and support kids in your community?

Contact us to Volunteer at one of our Events, Fund Raisers, or Outreach Programs.


Sponsor a Fundraising Event

By sponsoring an Event, your business will be seen by the community doing good and helping Kansas kids.

Contact us to Sponsor a Heartland Event.



Your Donations will provide opportunities for Kansas Kids to grow and achieve, competing into the future. 

Kansas Kids grow up to be Kansas Adults and the future leaders of our communities. Donate to give them the foundation they will need.


A heartfelt Heartland thank you to our most recent sponsors! 

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What it’s all about

Our focus is specific to youth.  Children are not only our future but they are our RIGHT NOW! Our aim is to provide community outreach programs involving nutrition, fitness, dance, gymnastics, circus, and theater leading to healthier lives for the kids in our communities.  Education programs about healthier choices for young people can lay the foundation for lifelong nutrition and fitness lifestyles, influencing families and therefore communities health and wellness. We provide for public performances in the Arts, a  directive to engage in and to provide facilities for youth & their families in the general promotion of the arts.  We sponsor performing arts groups and special events that support community arts.   We assist in aid to youth athletes, their parents, and coaches at the highest levels of national and international sports to cover training costs, travel expenses, competition entry fees, and any other related expenses that may be prohibitive for youth to compete.  

Our Story

Starting in 2004 and building over a decade and half, a like-minded group of people with a passion for educating and a need to help kids with their development through athletics and arts, got together and started finding ways to help in their communities, Manhattan, Wichita, Emporia, Ottawa, and many in between. 

This group saw their own gifts in life, and knew it was their responsibility to give unto others as they had received. Raising up our children so their reach may exceed our own, raises us all up and makes Kansas, the Heartland, and the Country a better place.

Help Kansas Kids.

Please enter your information below if you would like to help Kansas Kids or if you would like to share a need in your community.

Emporia - Manhattan - Wichita - Topeka - Lawrence - Ottawa - Kansas City KANSAS

Outreach Efforts

Heartland partners with several Kansas communities to raise money and to provide community outreach. Here are some highlights of our Outreach Efforts.

Nutritional Outreach 

Heartland Youth Arts & Athletics provides interactive performances for Kansas schools featuring: The Fruit & Veggie Gang. Acrobatic Fruits and Vegetables make nutrition fun with a focus on the benefits different foods provide, explaining that no foods are bad. Knowing a Food’s benefit makes food choices easy.

National Champion Wins Gold in Tokyo!

Fundraising by Heartland Members helped support Braxton on his trip to Tokyo where he won the Gold!



Summer Camps & Lessons

Heartland supports Summer Camps and Arts Education. 

Contact Heartland to give or receive help. If you know of a need within your community, contact Heartland about how we may partner with you to help Kansas Kids in your Community.


The Nutcracker!

The holiday classic seen by generations of Americans shouldn’t just be for your television or listening to the music while you shop. 

Heartland can bring its production of the Nutcracker to your community or see the dates when you can catch it in a local Kansas town near you.


News & Updates